Nick accompanied me to Takashimaya to collect my GUCCI handphone strap.. sent it for repair, but anyway, didn't expect to pay $13 for just the repair of the strap itself. Well, much more worthwhile when considered that I actually spent $150 to buy it itself, but still, it doesn't look much brand new after the repair..sobs!
Hehe.. Nick treated me to a splendid meal of SUSHI!!! Yeap, my favourite and we really enjoyed it very much... because we had a common goal --> that is order alot of food and eat like we didn't care!!! Hahaha... SushiTei rocks!! What gave me the BEST IMPRESSION is the mango flavoured prawn sushi~~mmmm.. still can taste the sweetness and sourness of the mango in my mouth now.. =P
As for usual, I did not grab any pictures... lolz cos i was too hungry glurping down the food!!!
Caught the movie 20th世紀少年 @ Cineleisure after that... we actually wanted to watch The House Bunny, but =( sadly, left the front row seats.. sobs.. also, we missed the timing, cos i woke up too late.. Despite the movie for being LAME, I did not enjoy the movie @ all, cos the storyline SUXXXXXX!!!! Well guys, better not watch the movie, Lamest Japanese Movie of the century, just as the name described. -_-"
Kept hearing people said~~ "Kenjichan, Asobimashou...(ケンジチャン 遊びましょう)" after the show.. zzZzzz
Despite deadbeaten after saturday's outing, slept quite late... woke up @ around 7pm!!! Was packing my closet till @ about 1030 when WEN called... YESSSSS!!!!
Wen: " Yo girl, whatcha doing?"
Mi: "Packing my clothes lor..."
Wen: " waliew.. 2morrow holiday wor~ Nvr go out?"
Wen: "What a waste!!"
Mi: " No place go lei.. SIANzZZZZZ"
Wen: " Go prepare & change la! Kia~~~ ARENA!!! "
So we spent our holiday in the ayer~ ayer~ Arena Arena~... Yess.... that's the end of my holiday -_-" was actually planning to study despite so... still i went..
and here's our sweet escapade...
After much HAUNTING,
we managed,
Deeepavali... dunnid to work~ end up morning 1030am wake up go facial... despite all the drinking till almost 5am~ caught MAC @LiangCourt and reached home about 0600am!! Anyway, Maple got free 2xEXP so i mapled till 0800pm (because i gianpeng the free exp haha).. and i KO, retired to bed @1000pm.. =)
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